
[ 591 主题 / 6282 回复 ]

版块介绍: 习题、试题精选

版主: cfaedu, cfaspace, tycoon

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  Reading 42: Free Cash Flow Valuation- LOS k~ Q11-18 2 级热门  ...2 wzaina 2009-3-9 19/28262 fengleng 2011-6-1 13:25
  Reading 42: Free Cash Flow Valuation- LOS k~ Q24-26 2 级热门  ...2 wzaina 2009-3-9 19/28438 elea0930 2011-6-1 13:21
  Reading 42: Free Cash Flow Valuation- LOS k~ Q19-23 2 级热门  ...2 wzaina 2009-3-9 18/27039 elea0930 2011-6-1 11:30
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS h~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 30/30064 elea0930 2011-5-31 18:38
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS c~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 29/29641 danforth 2011-5-27 23:30
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS d(part2) 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 29/29505 danforth 2011-5-27 23:30
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS g~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 27/28343 danforth 2011-5-27 23:30
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS f(part2) 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 28/27762 danforth 2011-5-27 23:29
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS f(part1) 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 28/28107 danforth 2011-5-27 23:29
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS b~ Q1-3 3 级热门  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 32/29613 danforth 2011-5-27 23:27
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS a(part1)~ Q4- 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 21/28228 danforth 2011-5-27 21:37
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS a(part1)~ Q11 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 22/28511 danforth 2011-5-27 21:36
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS b~ Q1-3 3 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 22/28457 danforth 2011-5-27 21:36
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS d~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 25/29687 danforth 2011-5-27 21:36
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS e~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 21/27756 danforth 2011-5-27 21:36
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS c(part1)~ Q1-7 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 24/27497 danforth 2011-5-27 21:36
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS f~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 22/27760 danforth 2011-5-27 20:19
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS g~ Q1-4 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 23/27705 danforth 2011-5-27 20:18
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS h(part1)~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-9 23/27457 danforth 2011-5-27 20:18
  Reading 40: Valuation in Emerging Markets- LOS a~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 26/28065 elea0930 2011-5-27 16:41
  Reading 39: Industry Analysis- LOS d~ Q1-5 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 27/28959 elea0930 2011-5-27 16:30
  Reading 39: Industry Analysis- LOS f~ Q1-2 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 28/27859 elea0930 2011-5-27 16:24
  Reading 39: Industry Analysis- LOS e~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 28/28008 elea0930 2011-5-27 16:22
  Reading 39: Industry Analysis- LOS a~ Q1-3 3 级热门  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-6 32/29231 elea0930 2011-5-27 16:17
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS j~ Q1-4 3 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-10 21/27074 danforth 2011-5-27 15:59
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS i~ Q1-5 2 级热门  ...23 youzizhang 2009-3-10 24/27909 danforth 2011-5-27 15:59
  Reading 39: Industry Analysis- LOS b~ Q1-14 3 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 28/28097 elea0930 2011-5-27 15:35
  Reading 45: Residual Income Valuation- LOS a(part1)~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...2 youzizhang 2009-3-9 17/26675 danforth 2011-5-27 15:34
  Reading 39: Industry Analysis- LOS c~ Q1-4 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 26/27027 elea0930 2011-5-27 14:27
  Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS e~ Q1-7 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 25/27408 elea0930 2011-5-27 14:21
  Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS f~ Q1-4 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 26/27138 elea0930 2011-5-27 14:08
  Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS g~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 29/28146 elea0930 2011-5-27 13:39
  Reading 48: Private Equity Valuation- LOS j~ Q1-4 3 级热门  ...234 youzizhang 2009-3-10 32/29972 danforth 2011-5-27 12:35
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS e~ Q1-11 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 26/27309 danforth 2011-5-27 12:35
  Reading 35: Equity: Markets and Instruments- LOS d(part1) 2 级热门  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 32/29119 danforth 2011-5-27 12:35
  Reading 34: The Equity Valuation Process- LOS d~ Q1-4 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 29/28589 danforth 2011-5-27 11:07
  Reading 34: The Equity Valuation Process- LOS f~ Q1-5 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 28/27499 danforth 2011-5-27 11:07
  Reading 34: The Equity Valuation Process- LOS g~ Q1-7 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 28/27407 danforth 2011-5-27 11:07
  Reading 34: The Equity Valuation Process- LOS h~ Q1-3 3 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 28/27481 danforth 2011-5-27 11:07
  Reading 36: Return Concepts- LOS i~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-5 27/27639 danforth 2011-5-27 11:07
  Reading 36: Return Concepts- LOS h~ Q1-3 2 级热门  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 31/29721 danforth 2011-5-27 11:06
  Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS b~ Q1-13 2 级热门  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-6 34/29420 elea0930 2011-5-27 01:34
  Reading 37: Equity: Concepts and Techniques- LOS a~ Q1-5  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-6 35/28844 elea0930 2011-5-27 00:22
  Reading 36: Return Concepts- LOS g~ Q1-4  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 33/28888 elea0930 2011-5-27 00:11
  Reading 36: Return Concepts- LOS e~ Q1-3  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 30/28553 elea0930 2011-5-27 00:00
  Reading 38: The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strate  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-6 29/27751 elea0930 2011-5-26 22:06
  Reading 38: The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strate  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-6 30/29020 elea0930 2011-5-26 21:57
  Reading 33: A Note on Asset Valuation- LOS a ~ Q1-3  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-5 36/29308 danforth 2011-5-26 21:52
  Reading 38: The Five Competitive Forces that Shape Strate  ...234 wzaina 2009-3-6 35/29785 elea0930 2011-5-26 21:48
  Reading 43: Market-Based Valuation: Price Multiples- LOS  ...23 wzaina 2009-3-9 24/26972 elea0930 2011-5-26 18:43