Portfolio Management

[ 474 主题 / 6983 回复 ]

版块介绍: 习题、试题精选

版主: cfaedu, cfaspace, tycoon

 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  Reading 49: Global Investment ....mance Standards-LOS b tycoon 2008-9-18 9/23999 tycoon 2008-9-18 14:36
  Reading 49: Global Investment Performance Standards-LOS a  ...2 tycoon 2008-9-18 11/25766 tycoon 2008-9-18 14:29
  Reading 48: Dreaming With BRIC....he Path to 2050-LOS e 3 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 4/25546 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:50
  Reading 48: Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050-LOS d 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 5/25663 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:50
  Reading 48: Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050-LOS c 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 5/25786 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:50
  Reading 48: Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050-LOS b 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 4/25578 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:50
  Reading 48: Dreaming With BRICs: The Path to 2050-LOS a 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 4/26155 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:51
  Reading 47: Emerging Markets Finance-LOS c 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 6/26322 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:51
  Reading 47: Emerging Markets Finance-LOS b 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 5/26337 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:51
  Reading 47: Emerging Markets Finance-LOS a 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 4/26246 deqiang 2011-5-31 21:51
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS i tycoon 2008-9-18 3/24175 tycoon 2008-9-18 12:10
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS h tycoon 2008-9-18 3/24158 tycoon 2008-9-18 12:07
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS g tycoon 2008-9-18 4/24072 tycoon 2008-9-18 12:04
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS f tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23835 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:59
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS e tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23867 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:57
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS c tycoon 2008-9-18 2/24174 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:55
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS b tycoon 2008-9-18 4/24170 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:52
  Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS a tycoon 2008-9-18 6/24138 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:47
  Reading 45: The Case for Inter....Diversification-LOS j tycoon 2008-9-18 4/23908 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:39
  Reading 45: The Case for Inter....Diversification-LOS i tycoon 2008-9-18 4/24070 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:36
  Reading 45: The Case for Inter....Diversification-LOS h tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23908 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:33
  Reading 45: The Case for Inter....Diversification-LOS g tycoon 2008-9-18 9/24246 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:25
  Reading 45: The Case for Inter....Diversification-LOS f tycoon 2008-9-18 6/24083 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:02
  Reading 45: The Case for Inter....Diversification-LOS e tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23894 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:56
  Reading 45: The Case for International Diversification-LO tycoon 2008-9-18 4/23932 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:53
  Reading 45: The Case for International Diversification-LO  ...2 tycoon 2008-9-18 13/25032 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:45
  Reading 45: The Case for International Diversification-LO 2 级热门 tycoon 2008-9-18 5/24533 rawrdinosaur 2011-5-30 02:20
  Reading 45: The Case for International Diversification-LO tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23968 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:25
  Reading 44: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS f tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23806 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:20
  Reading 44: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS e tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23775 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:17
  Reading 44: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS d tycoon 2008-9-18 2/23926 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:13
  Reading 44: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS c tycoon 2008-9-18 3/24044 tycoon 2008-9-18 10:10
  Reading 44: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS a tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23898 tycoon 2008-9-18 09:37
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS t tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23955 tycoon 2008-9-18 09:30
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS s tycoon 2008-9-18 3/24604 tycoon 2008-9-18 09:27
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS r tycoon 2008-9-18 3/23916 tycoon 2008-9-18 09:24
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS old j cfaedu 2008-9-17 2/24069 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:41
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS m cfaedu 2008-9-17 3/24012 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:39
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS old i cfaedu 2008-9-17 4/23975 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:37
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS q,(Part 1) tycoon 2008-9-17 4/24061 tycoon 2008-9-17 18:37
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS l cfaedu 2008-9-17 3/24089 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:34
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS k cfaedu 2008-9-17 3/24030 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:32
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS j cfaedu 2008-9-17 3/24232 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:21
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS i cfaedu 2008-9-17 3/24060 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:18
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS h cfaedu 2008-9-17 3/24262 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:13
  Reading 37: Risk Management -LOS g cfaedu 2008-9-17 9/24142 cfaedu 2008-9-17 18:07
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS p  ...23 tycoon 2008-9-17 24/26678 tycoon 2008-9-17 18:31
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS o tycoon 2008-9-17 0/24023 tycoon 2008-9-17 17:32
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS n tycoon 2008-9-17 2/24095 tycoon 2008-9-17 17:32
  Reading 43: Evaluating Portfol....rmance-LOS m tycoon 2008-9-17 3/23965 tycoon 2008-9-17 17:29