
[ 24621 主题 / 133868 回复 ]

版块介绍: CFA考友交流学习体会,CFA考试经验及心得,其中有CFA Level I、Level II 、Level III

版主: angelaxu, 血腥玛丽, jess6789, farflcfa, jack87021

 类型 作者/时间 回复 查看 最后发表
  What do you expect from employer if you pass? 1 级热门  ...2 DoubleDip 2011-7-13 15/27324 Roflnadal 2011-7-13 17:24
  Award of charter 1 级热门  ...2 willsucceed 2011-7-13 15/26099 lcw77 2011-7-13 17:25
  Studied LII only 2 weeks before the exam!!! 1 级热门  ...2 sabre 2011-7-24 13/24582 dmrktrading 2011-7-24 12:37
  Hypothetical US Default 1 级热门  ...2 prashantsahni 2011-7-27 14/24809 joehogue 2011-7-27 06:02
  June 2011 CFA Exam Pass Rates 1 级热门  ...2 jim8z3 2011-7-27 14/24684 mar350 2011-7-27 15:09
  How was your Quantitative section score? 1 级热门  ...2 shootingstar 2011-8-13 16/24841 BC_MBA_student 2011-8-13 19:58
  新人求教!如何修改personal profile里的government issued id# 1 级热门 applepie707 2010-2-9 1/25211 sweetgirl 2011-8-15 16:52
  请教CFA Level2的考试题型 1 级热门 spaceless 2009-5-31 2/25552 sweetgirl 2011-8-15 17:23
  Retabulation 1 级热门  ...2 invic 2011-8-24 11/26504 Howd 2011-8-24 16:41
  Why L2 is harder than L1 1 级热门  ...2 tarik64 2011-8-24 15/24814 tobeornottobe 2011-8-24 21:48
  Repeat Taker Tactics 1 级热门  ...2 Micholien 2011-8-25 15/25416 YAhmed 2011-8-25 04:59
  免费送全套CFA L3 2011 Notes全套, 1 级热门  ...2 sophie 2011-7-10 10/25721 sarahz 2011-9-5 05:04
  Value investors question 1 级热门  ...2 draz 2011-10-4 14/24397 chandsingh 2011-10-4 05:52
  What tasks should I give the incoming intern? 1 级热门  ...2 rgonzalez 2011-10-5 15/25184 soverby 2011-10-5 19:19
  Equity Analyst VS Business Analyst 1 级热门  ...2 ashycal 2011-10-5 15/25067 mkytz15 2011-10-5 20:31
  Hedge fund replication 1 级热门  ...2 hinsafdar 2011-10-11 13/25676 willsucceed 2011-10-11 02:01
  looking for CFA LEVEL2 CANDIDATE IN MELBOURNE 1 级热门 flykeys 2011-10-11 0/23626 flykeys 2011-10-11 07:06
  Bonus Referrals 1 级热门  ...2 soddy1979 2011-10-12 15/24887 dvilayphet 2011-10-12 03:18
  Insurance Companies 1 级热门 scruge 2011-10-13 3/23945 SkipE99 2011-10-13 15:49
  一个连考3次才过L1的人的血泪史(转) 1 级热门  ...2 蜡小新 2011-7-1 10/30780 weiwei19840224 2011-10-25 08:53
  [询问]关于应考秘笈 1 级热门 wydyzd 2011-12-1 1/24585 wohenhao 2012-1-15 09:01
  For those who passed Level I 1 级热门  ...2 rosemary2011 2011-7-11 15/24844 manasib 2011-7-11 17:31
  How many guesses? 1 级热门  ...2 BC_MBA_student 2011-7-11 16/23763 YAhmed 2011-7-11 18:54
  pass rates 1 级热门  ...2 chunty 2011-7-11 16/23908 ninja1024 2011-7-11 18:56
  should have taken the option :( 1 级热门  ...2 tango_gs 2011-7-11 16/24538 5566 2011-7-11 18:56
  90% chance of passing CFA 1 级热门  ...2 bigredhockey55 2011-7-11 16/24427 sameeragarwal 2011-7-11 19:07
  Please Advice for LII Candidate 1 级热门  ...2 DarienHacker 2011-7-11 16/24368 bkballa 2011-7-11 19:17
  It's difficult to break 70. 1 级热门  ...2 zbird2134 2011-7-11 16/24473 b_sea93 2011-7-11 19:24
  soccer player's risk tolerance 1 级热门  ...2 cfalevel2011 2011-7-11 15/24136 Chuckrox 2011-7-11 19:28
  How much time are you taking off work to study? 1 级热门  ...2 Muddahudda 2011-7-11 15/24406 Zestt 2011-7-11 19:29
  Resign your job to study 1 级热门  ...2 chunty 2011-7-11 15/24617 chandsingh 2011-7-11 19:32
  Institutional T/F 1 级热门  ...2 Wendy01 2011-7-11 15/24414 IAmNeil 2011-7-11 19:54
  Freedom 1 级热门  ...2 king_kong 2011-7-11 14/24484 justin88 2011-7-11 20:02
  Debt/Equity vs. Debt/Capital?? 1 级热门  ...2 fishmarket 2011-7-13 16/24304 ryanlb 2011-7-13 13:25
  NYSSA Meet? 1 级热门  ...2 jbaldyga 2011-7-13 14/24472 zwjy 2011-7-13 13:43
  Active Return 1 级热门  ...2 cfa10yrplan 2011-7-13 16/25567 nannan66 2011-7-13 13:44
  What Schweser Package is Everyone getting? 1 级热门  ...2 Viceroy 2011-7-13 16/24577 nannan66 2011-7-13 14:48
  How long did it take u to ... 1 级热门  ...2 sweetgirl 2011-7-13 15/24609 disiz64 2011-7-13 15:17
  Re: grinold kroner model 1 级热门  ...2 Palantir 2011-7-13 16/26718 Colum 2011-7-13 15:18
  请问我报了今年6月的考试,但由于有事没去考,再报12月考试的话还要交第一次的费用 1 级热门 ServantSaber 2009-8-15 1/24781 bmaggie 2009-8-16 09:27
  请问深圳地区那家CFA培训质量最好? 1 级热门 qq2008 2009-9-3 1/24809 冰冰水月儿 2009-9-7 15:55
  征加州CFA L2的考友, L1L3欢迎交流 1 级热门 timonjx25 2011-2-2 1/24484 tellen 2011-2-24 07:22
  求购二级官方教材 1 级热门 jumpsfire 2011-3-15 1/24178 wabgjie6028 2011-3-20 13:26
  2013年6月一级成绩公布,通过率38%,大家晒成绩吧 1 级热门  ...2 RealEstate_CFA 2013-7-23 19/26911 alfred.zry 2013-7-29 18:42
  新手报道!university of warwick大二学生!准备自学CFA~~ 1 级热门 miaomiaoown 2011-10-29 6/26096 jerryleung1988 2014-6-12 12:02
  今天晚上出3级成绩了 1 级热门  ...2 unarthur 2013-8-6 18/26543 jackytong00 2013-8-8 10:08
  在哪下载或买" fixed income analysis"(for CFA)PDF format? 1 级热门  ...2 adelinezh 2005-7-18 13/27711 shashadedeng 2010-11-26 08:27
  Repurchase yield for Grinold Kroner Model 1 级热门  ...2 Chuckrox8 2011-7-13 14/25674 skycfa 2011-7-13 16:11
  A second opinion, please. 1 级热门  ...2 jcole21 2011-7-13 16/25018 lcai 2011-7-13 16:56
  Can CFA L2 candidate go into Audit Industry ? 1 级热门  ...2 edgeon 2011-7-25 15/25293 parott 2011-7-25 22:50