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[考场问题] 关于CFA三级机考方式相关调整的疑问——Math editor function removed

CFA协会之前发了一个邮件,里面有一段话,Math editor function removed: Previously, candidates had the option to use a built-in math editor to describe calculation steps or show values for essay questions. This functionality has caused some confusion in the past and has now been removed. An essay text box will accept typed words and numbers. A correct numerical value typed in the essay box by itself receives full credit – formulas and explanations are not required. If you choose to do so, you may describe steps used in the calculation by typing out variables in an equation using normal keyboard strokes.

Level III CFA Exam Structure (cfainstitute.org)

我没看太明白。是说所有的essay,只要不说show your calculation,就可以只写结果,不写公式、计算过程和解释,是这个意思吗?我看Online Tutorial里的text box还有输入公式的功能。

