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Accountable SAMURAI

Among the following 7 primary types of benchmarks, which one(s) is(are) accountable?

- Absolute
- Manager universe
- broad market indices
- style indices
- factor-model-based
- returns-based
- custom security-based

I don't quite understand why the "accountable" should be one of the 7 properties of a valid benchmark -- it tells what the managers should do. Appreciate it if you can elaborate on it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Sunday, April 17, 2011 at 11:01AM by deriv108.

Your SAMURAI is incorrect little Ninja:

S pecified in advance
A ppropriate
M easurable
U nambigous
R eflective of the manager's current investment opinions
I nvestable

A benchmark doesn't need to be ABSOLUTE.

