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Confused2010.....I have some advice for you.
Stop wasting time deciding and man up and HIT THE PAVEMENT already bru.
Every day thinking about it is 3+ hours of quality time you can't get back.

A wise mang once told me " DO or DO NOT...there is no try"


i have the same doubts too.. in singapore

my situation is that I'm starting another job in another organization in march, so i'm not too sure of the work load over there..

the course fee to me is not that issue as my home currency has appreciated much against USD lately.

however my main concern is time and discipline to nail level 2, which has often been described as a different beast. and hearing all the failure stories from my colleagues and friends, who are smarter and more hardworking than me in school have further deepened my confidence..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Friday, January 28, 2011 at 11:21PM by wjpangster.

