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within-sector allocation

i swear i'm going bananas.

when calculating the returns attributable to within-sector (i.e. security selection) do I use the benchmark weights or the portfolio weights?

maybe i'm just losing my mind but i feel like i've seen it both ways across qbank, secret sauce, CFAI, and schweser notes.

mcap11 Wrote:
> Portfolio Weight of Sector (Portfolio return of
> Sector - BM return for that Sector)

I believe it's benchmark weight.



its benchmark weight


always remember peanut_butter


The reason you are confused is because it is presented two different ways.

In normal decomp, it is benchmark

in GLOBAL decomp, it is portfolio weight.

The formula is exactly the same other than this.


the most annoying thing is that even though i stone cold memorized a formula that is a page wide when written down and can recite it from memory on command like fkn rainman, I still usually miss the problems related to this the way they ask them.



Oops my drawing got all messed up but hope you get the idea


he is saying there will be no more than 1 item set on it, which is likely true. In actuality, they might ask 1-2 questions on it specifically.


SS17 is way too detailed oriented for only 5% of the exam, especially reading 47 where we have to calculate the currency contribution, cap gains, etc

Might have to just hope for some lucky guesses on this part of the exam


上一主题:Daily VAR
下一主题:Economic Pension expense