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mainem2 Wrote:
> I work for TD Securities and it's $56K plus bonus.
> No complaints about the money, I just want to do
> something more relevant.

In India or in the States??


I doubt that you will get $56k+ in India.


It's in Canada actually. In Toronto.


how big is the bonus?


pawn Wrote:
> how big is the bonus?

lol you really care how much some random guy on the internet makes?


Is it after tax or pre tax and what is the tax?
What is the "normal" salary in us or canada for ordinary finance analyst, what is the range of salaries?
lets assume an analyst is not from managerial staff because it is significantly depends on the person itself

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, February 17, 2011 at 11:08PM by Vyentil.


Is the salary before or after depreciation? Did you securitize any of your salary as receivables?


but to answer the question, not a huge bonus, like $3k


上一主题:is anyone else having fun?
下一主题:Grants Interest Observer (off topic)