上一主题:Computing short term rate using volatility
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Paraguay Wrote:
> onelasttime Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Be very careful with practice exam test scores.
> > They will vary wildly for level 3.
> >
> > Last year, I got over 80% in CFAI Mock and
> sample
> > (even the hard one), then scored in mid 60s in
> a
> > Schweser sample..... and I am still here.
> >
> > Practice Exams should be used as a learning
> tool.
> > The more the better.... that's it.
> What did you get on this year's mock exam?
> I call shens on getting 95% on mock as well.

This year's CFAI mock has so many repetitive questions from last year that it is not a true mock. I got pretty decent score (over 80%).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, May 23, 2011 at 02:23PM by onelasttime.


onelasttime Wrote:
> Be very careful with practice exam test scores.
> They will vary wildly for level 3.
> Last year, I got over 80% in CFAI Mock and sample
> (even the hard one), then scored in mid 60s in a
> Schweser sample..... and I am still here.
> Practice Exams should be used as a learning tool.
> The more the better.... that's it.

Very good point,...What we are doing now is pretty much like running simulation to tune our internal models.

Our target "return" is very clear:

* get 70%+ right and done, or
* get 65%


a buddy of mine scored in the 50's the last two days before level 3 last year and ended up getting just about over 70 in every section.


I gotta second that, I did terrible on every practice exam for levels 1&2 and still did great on the real thing. I got a 56 on the Schweser mock last weekend, and yeah it's scaring the crap out of me, but I gotta think I still have a chance.


I find that the average band for most posters is from the high 60's to mid 70's. Some guys are able to break that, but the overall average is about 72%. I figure that if you are getting that you are doing fine. The posters, I believe, are more dedicated than most writers (some who have only opened their books a few months ago). If the posters are your benchmark, and you are getting marks that are in that range, I believe that your chances of passing are pretty good.


上一主题:Computing short term rate using volatility
下一主题:Currency exchange - equity