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Band 10 last year. Individual PM and Fixed Income downfall. This year spent much more time on CFAI readings. Focused almost entirely on Schweser last year. Have spent more time this year than last year...I would say about 200 hours at this point. Will spend another 80-100 over the next two weeks. Read every word of CFA text, took notes and just finished reviewing all the highlighted items in the text. Attended the Dallas week Schweser review...very helpful to get the big picture. Remember, Level III is about developing Capital Market Expectations, Developing the IPS, allocating assets in Equity and Debt Investments, utilizing Derivatives and Alternative Investments to adjust risk/return and then using the various Portfolio Monitoring/Measurement techniques.

Think I will have done enough work to pass...but who the hell knows.


...but who the hell knows.

Truer words have never been spoken.


Thanks a lot everyone.... I focused heavily on the CFAI materials and past exams this year and am using Shweser only for the practice exams and QBank. It will be interesting (and a very good outcome) if the strategy works. Good luck to you all...


you guys are pretty amazing at the time you put in. i have probably put in about 140 hrs so far. with a strong push these next 2 weeks, i'll get close to 200 but not quite there. we'll see if that's enough to eek out a pass. i hope everyone repeating passes. keep pushing people. we're close.


mwvt9 Wrote:
> Vegas Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> >
> > For me it took some time to digest the fact.
> Luck
> > is a factor on the exam day.
> This is very true. Do all you can to limit it
> but in the end it is still there.

Except mwvt9 took out his writing utensil and murdered the 2009 exam. That poor exam had no idea what hit it.

MWVT9 = Curve Setter

Beet Farmer, CFA


Shrute Farms Wrote:
> mwvt9 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Vegas Wrote:
> >
> --------------------------------------------------
> > -----
> > >
> > > For me it took some time to digest the fact.
> > Luck
> > > is a factor on the exam day.
> >
> > This is very true. Do all you can to limit it
> > but in the end it is still there.
> Except mwvt9 took out his writing utensil and
> murdered the 2009 exam. That poor exam had no
> idea what hit it.
> MWVT9 = Curve Setter

He's correct, luck does play a factor - the difference is for most of us that the luck decides pass fail, whereas for MWVT9 it determines whether he gets a 99% or a 100%.

