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I starts to grow repelling for exams

I know it is one week to go, I have doing exams for about 3 weeks, nearly done all mock/previsous year real/practice exam 1 and 2, now only left 5 samples exams (2 2010's and 3 2009's) and one practice exam 1 saved for last week.

I just start to have this repelling feelling growing, I reserved a quiet conference room and plan to do 2010 sample exam 1 , but I just can't focus.

anyone feeling the same?

Are you sure you're Irish?


I have the same feeling- enough is enough. All the questions look the same to me now.


that repelling feeling grows more, today i sat in the toilet for 4 hours. my boss is so mad, he figured out where i was.


Slash Wrote:
> Are you sure you're Irish?


Great minds..........was just reading the OP and asking myself "is English not the official language of Ireland anymore?".

BTW, I'm an Irish citizen (dual with U.S.), so I probably should've known that answer.


now this repelling feeling is growing so much i take my study notes to the toilet. i am spending most of my day in here. i have my laptop too...

