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difference between cap weighted and value weighted

I know value weighted is market cap weighted but what is cap weighted

It's the same sh&t man! Go back to relaxing before the exam


It's not I guess. It says NAREIT - Cap weighted and NACRIEF is Value weighted

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, June 3, 2010 at 08:42PM by pupdawg82.


yeah because in NACRIE (direct investment) you have to have a valuation done every _____ months/year and that is why they are using the term (perhaps) value weighted. I wouldn't worry too much about it because it will not be tested


That's because NACRIEF is for direct investment in real estate while NAREIT is in public Reits....tough to find the market cap of a direct invest.


So much confusion from vagueness in the curriculum.


I know. What can one do but live with CFAI way

