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This might be premature, but I want to say that I really enjoyed studying for Level 3 and kudos to CFA Institute for coming up with such an exhaustive curriculum in finance/investment management over the three levels. I hope you felt something similar after putting in the effort you did?
I spent a good month and fifteen days studying for L3, and the exam went alright, but the experience has been great. I felt the exam was quite bizzare in a sense, as many of the traditional tested topics weren't tested this time. Questions were asked about concepts and relationships behind the equation, rather than just a plug-and-chug question. Essentially, this means there is no better an exam strategy than to study every possible thing in the curriculum -- you're allowed to be weaker in some aspects, but you can't skip anything. An more important than knowing the formula is knowing the concepts -- after all its a test of analytical skills, and not short-term memorization.
Now, personally speaking, for someone whose a capital markets lawyer, the CFA Program has widened my understanding of my profession to areas I would never have known -- stuff that is never taught in law school. I just hope I don't face a result that will make me rue these sentiments -- but irrespective, I'm happy to say I have learnt quite a lot in the last month or so.
Let's all hope for the best, finger crossed.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, June 6, 2011 at 03:08AM by stevenevans. |