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Overlapping Material...

Best of luck to all of those who just took Level II. I just took Level I and have a quick question and would appreciate your advice. I felt alright about my performance, but who knows if I passed. I just graduated from college and start training for work in mid July. Therefore, I want to start reviewing Level I now in case I did not pass...my question is, what portion of level I would you recommend reviewing so that if I did pass, it might provide a more solid foundation for my level II studying? Thanks

leases, FIFO, options, swaps are common to both L1 and L2 material, so it's a fair bet.


Add Inventories, duration and convexity partly, whole of PM


100% of level 1 ethics is built into the Level 2 curriculum (except GIPS is replaced by Soft Dollar standards and New Prudent Man Rules).

Agree with previous responses.

