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Stalla for L3?

I only used the Stalla materials to study for L1 & L2 and I'm wondering how the materials are for L3? I passed both, so I'd like to stick with a familiar format as long as the L3 materials and lectures are comprable to the other review courses. Has anyone used them that can give some feedback?

I've heard rumblings that they may not be printing the Study Guides anymore and I'm also concerned about who is giving the lectures. Olinto is great, but a couple of instructors are absolutely terrible. If those lessor instructors are giving the majority of the lessons, I'd rather use another provider.

Thanks in adavnce!

Sorry, should've read down the page a bit to see the other thread on this topic. Disregard.


上一主题:Edinburgh Exam in June - where exactly?
下一主题:Past Exam