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2007 FRM - Mock Exam 模考试题 (26 - 30)

26. Consider a portfolio consisting of USD 10 million of Intel shares and USD 5 million of GE shares. The returns on the two stocks have a bivariate normal distribution with a correlation of 0.3. The daily return volatility of Intel and GE is 2% and 1%, respectively. The standard deviation of daily changes in the value of the Intel position is USD 0.2 million, and the standard deviation of daily changes in the value of the GE position is USD 0.05 million. The daily VaR at the 99% confidence level is USD 0.5131 million. What is the incremental daily VaR of the portfolio for a small increase in the position on Intel shares over a one-day horizon at 99% confidence level?

a. USD 0.0455 million

b. USD 2.275 million

c. USD 0.0453 million

d. USD 0.0195 million


27. As an approximation, it is true that

a. Default swap spread = return of a risky bond – return of a risk-free bond.

b. Default swap spread = return of a risky bond + return of a risk-free bond.

c. Default swap spread = return of a risky bond * (1- return of a risk-free bond.)

d. Default swap spread = return of a risky bond * return of a risk-free bond.



28. The information ratio of the Sterole US Fund for 2006 against the S&500, its benchmark index, is 1. For the same time period, the fund’s Sharpe ratio is 2, the fund has tracking error of 7% against the S& 500, and the standard deviation of fund returns is 5%. The risk-free rate in the US is 4%. Calculate the return for the S& 500 during the time period.

a. 11%

b. 14%

c. 5%

d. 7%


29. An investment bank uses the Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) technique with of 0.9 to model the daily volatility of a security. The current estimate of the daily volatility is 1.5%. The closing price of the security is USD 20 yesterday and USD 18 today. Using continuously compounded returns, what is the updated estimate of the volatility?

a. 3.62%

b. 1.31%

c. 2.96%

d. 5.44%


30. Your bank has chosen to use the advanced Internal Rating Based Approach under Basel II. The bank is contemplating a large securitization of low-quality loans that are currently on its balance sheet. You are concerned about whether the securitization will provide you with regulatory capital relief. Which one of the following approaches would be the most efficient in reducing the bank’s regulatory capital?

a. The bank sets up an Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that issues securities. All proceeds from selling these securities are invested in a portfolio of equities. The SPV sells protection to the bank through a credit default swap on the loans in the bank’s portfolio.

b. The bank sells the loans to an SPV and keeps an equity piece representing 8% of the value of the loans.

c. The bank sells the loans to an SPV that issues securities. These securities issued are then sold to third-party investors. The bank indicates to some investors that if credit quality of the loans declines significantly, the bank will try to help the investors, but specifies that the bank is unwilling to provide a contractual guarantee.

d. The bank forgoes the securitization and buys a credit default swap on the loans from an AAA-rated provider.

[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-31 14:23:21编辑过]





  <p> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 特价机票预定 特价机票预订中心提供国内、单程/联程/往返打折机票、特价机票,团体更优惠,所有机票2-7折,欢迎来电查询预订广东地区:0755-88837777(多线)&nbsp;&nbsp;全国服务热线:40061-30061<br /> 特价航线:<br /> 厦门,上海,四川,山东,深圳,金鹿,祥鹏,西部,重庆,奥凯,鹰联,春秋,东星,吉祥,华夏,翡翠,长城,东海,鲲鹏,东北,西部,华民,国泰,港龙,香港,港联,甘泉,澳<br /> 门,非凡,复兴,中华,远东,长荣,华信,立荣,德安,云南,西北,西南,北方,新疆,武汉,中原,贵州,新华,长安,福建,山西,成都,天津,幸福,昆明,捷亚 等全国各地。<br /> 特价机票预定<br /> 登机的流程:<br /> 1国内航班提前壹个半小时。国际航班提前2小时到达机场。<br /> 2、到机场后,先找值机柜台(壹大排连起来的柜台),每个柜台都有显示屏,显示航空公司名称和航班号,找到你乘坐的航班号对应的柜台,持身份证换登机牌。<br /> 3、如果你有行李或违禁物品,可以在值机柜台办理托运,把行李交给值机员就可以。国内航班20KG以内行李免费。<br /> 4、如果你想购买飞行意外险,可以到机场的总服务台购买。<br /> 5、换完登机牌后,就可以进入安检通道,这裏要对你的安全性进行检查,遇有违禁物品,在这裏会被处理掉。<br /> 6、过完安检通道后就进入隔离区,到隔离区后,按登机牌上提示的登机口,找到登机口,在入口处休息等待登机。<br /> 7、飞机靠桥后,持登机牌登机,进入机舱后,按登机牌上指示的坐位,找到坐位坐好。如果随身行李,可以放在头顶的行李箱中。<br /> 8、系好安全带,开始愉快的飞行旅程。<br /> 9、到达目的地后,按指示方向出港,如果你有托运行李,请到行李处,那有输送皮带将您的行李送出来。如果机场比较大型,皮带也可能有多条,但每条都会有显示屏显示航班号,你要按号去查找并领取。<br /> 10、领取行李后,给行李人员核对壹下行李号和登机牌号码,就可以出港了。飞行旅程结束。<br /> 11、如果你乘坐的是经停航班,到达经停城市后,所有的乘客要下机,下机后,就在隔离区等待半小时到1小时,此时你可以四处活动壹下,可以上上厕所,逛逛商店,但不要出隔离区,因为你没有手续,无法进入安检通道。等待通知,不要离登机口太远,等待重新登机后,继续后半段的旅行。<br /> 特价机票预定 预订热线 广东地区:0755-88837777(多线)&nbsp;&nbsp;全国服务热线:40061-30061<br /> <br /> 本文转自:特价机票转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:打折机票转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:深圳航空转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:深圳航空公司转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:深圳特价机票转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:机票预订转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:深圳航空官网转载请注明,谢谢!<br /> 本文转自:深圳航空特价机票转载请注明,谢谢!</p>


                QQ:6316383   咨询热线:15801015815

                1、 硬件设施好:设备先进,出片网点圆实,平网均匀,渐变平滑,输出幅面大。

                2、 技术积累深:公司技术员从业长达十年,在特大幅面输出上有着深厚功底
                ● 在胶印上,由于我们成功的解决了大包装用小菲林拼接有线条、尺寸有一定的误差的难题,省去了手工拼接菲林这样费时易出错的工作,也省去了给最终客户就线条问题解释半天的麻烦事情,保持最终用于晒版的菲林非常干净,将使贵公司的印刷质量和效率进一步提高,从而大大加强贵公司在业界的竞争力。我们能根据包装印刷的特点,熟练把握专色、四色等印刷要求,特别是一些重要部位如叠印、镂空、压印等处理,通过与贵公司设计师沟通,确保优质菲林的输出。

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                QQ:6316383   咨询热线:15801015815




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