之前有朋友介绍LIFA Exam , 但却一直找不到关于它的复习资料,不知道论坛的那位大虾对这个金融文凭有所了解?
现在这个EXAM正在PROMOTE, 有兴趣的可以去看看 http://www.the-ira.org/scholarship/waiver.php?ct=16&r=54403
The International Research Association, the administrator of the Licensed International Financial Analyst (LIFA) Exam Program for finance and investment professionals, is offering a full scholarship for the Level III LIFA exam. We are currently enrolling candidates who would like to become a part of the growth and success of the LIFA Program. We are the only finance and investment program to offer you the following:
- Your Level III exam registration and enrollment fees are fully waived. Why? Unlike other exams, we do not believe that the International Research Association should benefit financially if you were to fail the LIFA exam. We do not maintain low pass rates so that we can collect enrollment fees each time you re-take the exam. We believe that no candidate should be prohibited from taking an exam because of excessive costs and fees. This revolutionary philosophy differentiates the LIFA Program.
- You can bypass the first two Levels of the LIFA exam and sit directly for the final Level III exam. Level III exam registration and enrollment is free.
- Thomson-Prometric administers the LIFA exam 260+ days per year, worldwide. LIFA candidates are responsible for the discounted Prometric exam center fee. With Prometric's online scheduling, you may easily choose the LIFA exam date and location that is most convenient for you, at one of over 3,500 exam centers worldwide.
We wish to invite you to sit for the Level III LIFA exam. Again, all LIFA registration and enrollment fees will be waived. |