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lifestyle protection strategies (Schweser vs CFAI)

In Schweser notes, Asset Allocation Approach is one of the four lifestyle protection strategies. I couldn’t find it in CFAI book. I have a few question on this topics. To keep it simple.
In CFAI book:
1) Is Asset Allocation Approach one of the “Lifestyle Protection Strategies”?
2) Fixed horizon strategy is NOT one of the “Lifestyle Protection Strategies”, correct?

Lifestyle protection strategies target a minimum acceptable return for a continuation of lifestyle. Generally target absolute return vehicles such as hedge funds.
In the CFA texts they list:
Fixed Horizon, Cash Flow Matching and Lifestyle Protection.
Goals based asset allocation would be the final strategy, if you had to make four but I question how Schweser wrote this compared to the CFA Texts.
Goals based asset allocation, such as minimum spending and portfolio size had 15 pages while the other three strategies had 3.5 pages in aggregate if memory serves me correct.


上一主题:Stressing Models : CFAI text V5 P248~249
下一主题:money multiplier: CFA vs Schweser