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base rate neglect 2012 quicksheet error

we want to work out P(A|B)=P(B|A)*P(A)/P(B)
in representativeness, what is base rate neglect? is it neglect P(A|B) or neglect P(A) or P(B)
can anyone clarify? thanks

As per Bayes—– we update probabilities
P (A given B ) = P (B given A) X P( A) / P (B)— here the base rate is P (B given A) i guess


then you agree schweser quick sheet is wrong? but people usally under-estimate the probability of P(B given A) or over-estimate in base rate neglect?


according to you, it is P(A)?


Yes. Thanks for pointing out my typo ( i have corrected it now.)
Igoring prior means ignoring P(A)


Yes. Thanks for pointing out my typo ( i have corrected it now.)
Igoring prior means ignoring P(A)

