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I work in financial planning, young, and got the CRPC designation b/c I feel in this profession that it is better than nothing. I understand it isn’t highly respected nor did I expect it to be very difficult and highly esteemed. I did it purely as a start to continue further education. Also, the firm paid every dollar for it so why not?
I have since started the CFA for what I truely want to achieve. I think everyone has different views and most defnitely agree that there are 2 or 3 tiers of designations.


Yeah, I’d be embarressed for anyone in an MBA program that was bleeding school pride and rooting on their football team.  That is for kids in undergrad.  When you’re in an MBA program, the only thing you should be concerned with is your future.


CapdYa wrote:
I work in financial planning, young, and got the CRPC designation b/c I feel in this profession that it is better than nothing. I understand it isn’t highly respected nor did I expect it to be very difficult and highly esteemed. I did it purely as a start to continue further education. Also, the firm paid every dollar for it so why not?
I have since started the CFA for what I truely want to achieve. I think everyone has different views and most defnitely agree that there are 2 or 3 tiers of designations.
I did the same thing and got the AAMS right after I passed the Series 7 when I worked for a regional brokerage firm.  You are right, it is better than nothing and to be honest it was the start to what made me want to pursue the charter and grad school.  There is no harm in doing it, but many retail clients are duped by people holding themselves out to be advisors and professionals when in reality they are sales people trying to make a commission.  Again nothing wrong with that either, just don’t say you’re one thing and do another.


Greenman72 wrote:
It has been posted before–I think there are four “premier” designations: CFA, CPA, JD, and MBA (as long as it is from a good school–maybe top 50).
MBA top 50?  when the economy was booming, sure.  Those days are over.
In today’s world, you need a top 10 MBA program


^Top 10?  Maybe when the economy was booming, sure.  Those days are over.  In today’s world, you need a Top 3 MBA Program which follows in your Mother and Father’s Top 3 MBA program footsteps.
May as well saw your own head off if you don’t have a Top 3 MBA, CFA, and BSD, no other way about it.  I think the brown nigga selling hotdogs and running 3 card monte has a Top 10 MBA nowadays.


iteracom wrote:
MBA top 50?  when the economy was booming, sure.  Those days are over.
In today’s world, you need a top 10 MBA program
According to US News and World Report, #11 B-school in US is NYU Stern.  Duke and Michigan aren’t far behind.  Are their MBA’s worthless?


Haha, stern…


Greenman72 wrote:
DVictr is right.  The University of Texas is an outstanding, elite, well-respected school–in Texas (and the southwest in general).  Harvard is an outstanding, elite, well-respected school everywhere.
If you want to work in Dallas, Austin, Houston, or San Antonio, go to University of Texas.  It will probably earn you about the same pay (and better ROI) as Harvard.
If you want to work in NYC or London or Hong Kong, go to Harvard.
Agree and I’m a UT Austin MBA.  McCombs graduate business program is often referred to as the Harvard of the Southwest.


Yup, every city in America has a “Harvard of (Insert your city here).”

