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I use my level 2 books for reference - especially the equity book.  It’s been handy for reference.  I’d definitely recommend keeping the books since you already have them.


I could not part with my books.  There is way to much blood sweat and tears in those things, although I don’t think I would ship them overseas.


I will ship those books if I must. It will be nice to have grand kids pouring over my books, thinking how great grand  dad was in his days.
My original markings and all will mean something to those little kids…….


For Pete’s sake, keep them!  When I passed the CPA exam in my country, I gave away all my books.  Now, I regret that.  Hope that you won’t have the same regret.  Reason being, at some point, you will need them for a specific topic that you have long forgotten.  And believe me, it pays to have recalled a certain topic by reading back from its source.
Have those books couriered to your home town rather than pack them up together with your goodies.  That extra cost will be worth it. =)
+1 on Babsfrey.  Add them to your memorabilia =)


Use them as a cheap stand for your computer monitor…


donate them to the local library

