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When firm present composite performance that includes only that sponsor’s wrap fee/SMA portfolios
a.   Name of the wrap fee/SMA sponsor
b.   If the sponsor-specific composite complaint presentation is intended for the purpose of generating wrap fee/SMA business and does not include performance net of the entire wrap fee, the compliant presentation must disclose that the named sponsor-specific compliant presentation is only for the use of the named wrap fee/SMA sponsor


意思是如果公司的一个composite是只是包含了一个特定sponsor的账户的业绩的话,而且这个composite是用来向sponsor争取业务的(已经是客户了,再争取新业务)并且不是报告扣除了wrap fee后的业绩的话,那么这样的composite在使用的时候要特别标明(强调作用)是用来特别向该指定客户展示用的。


上一主题:FAS notes 76 example partB
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