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Can you still get a Band 10 fail for level 1 with *70% in et

I have searched the forums to try and find and answer for this but there doesn’t seem to be one. Although I have seen a post about a Level 3 candidate scoring a Band 10 fail with greater than 70% in the Ethics section, I cannot find any incidence of this happening to a Level 1 candidate.
My question is can this happen and has anyone on the forums here actually experienced this?
I am pretty sure I will be on the boundary again for the June exam, but I am also pretty sure I got over 70% in ethics this time. Here’s hoping that it’s enough to push me over the MPS!

Practically I am not sure if it has happened.. But theoretically its pretty much possible if the candidate score doesnt cross MPS.
Good luck for your result!


you can still get a band 1 fail with >70% in ethics


Nobody really knows.
If you like to entertain rumours that’s the subject, but you will never know the truth


If you are a band 8 or 9, then maybe the ethics adjustment moves you to a band 10.  So still a fail.


They offer the exam in Antarctica?  That’s cra cra!


i know this may not be very helpful…
but why would anyone care?
I mean, don’t you all just try the very best you can to get all questions correctly?
It’s not like you would go in and think “hmm… let’s see, i only need 70% on ethics…”
All those questions on what’s the passing rate for individual topics, or overall exam, or how many topics you are allowed to fail… i mean, they are not that informative are they? If you can fail two topics and still pass, let’s say, would you deliberately fail two topics? would you feel BETTER after the exam because you know you only fail two topics?
The thing is, we all try our very best and we will never know until results come out…



Yes you can. Happened to me in December. Band 10 and >70% in Ethics…

