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[求助]紧急求助! candidate number可能写错了>

今天考完了L1, 题目简单到抓狂, 很多题目比我能想象的最简单的出法还要简单, straightforward.
当时考的时候就怕出问题, 这么简单的一次要是有别的出问题就完蛋了

结果回来就发现问题了, 回家一打开电脑看到我的admission ticket的页面还开在那, candidate#是7位数. 但是我很确定我带入考场以及填在考卷上的是六位数. 前面都一样, 后面少了一个0. 我检查的时候在纳闷, 明明是6位数为什么要给7个空呢...
但我其他打印的admission ticket上的都是7位数啊(多打了几份以防万一), 只有带进去的那个是六位. 抓狂! 我现在快疯了, 这是为什么呢...ticket最后也收了, 我该怎么确定? 会有什么可能的后果呢? 我的成绩会被voiding么?


你的成绩不会被voiding,你需要做的是发邮件给CFAI,report CFAI你的情况和考试时以上问题和你个人资料相关的详细,如:您的姓名,Candidate Number ID,证件号码,等等尽可能详细的信息。


CFAI Email:info@cfainstitute.org



总算有人回复了, 谢谢版主! 泪
我怎么想也不应该啊, 我检查的的时候连candidate#一起检查的. 肯定跟我带进场的admission ticket上的是一致的. ticket最后他们也收走了做record retenion. 最后收卷的时候他们又花了那么长时间检查归纳整理, 如果少了位数应该会发现的吧...

还是发邮件confirm一下吧, 希望没有什么问题.


应该没事,我当初考一级的时候大脑短路,干脆就没有涂考号,最后还是拿到我的成绩了。你的姓名,考点,座位号应该足够让CFA Institute找到你了。





After the Exam FAQs


I wrote in the margins of my essay answer sheet. Will this cause problems with scoring my exam?

Writing answers in the margin will not affect your scores. All of your written text recorded on answer pages for each specific question is the only text that will be graded.


What about stray marks I may have made on my item set or multiple choice answer sheet? 

We are aware that candidates often change their answers, which can create stray or erasure marks. Each answer sheet is reviewed to ensure answers are recorded by our system appropriately.


What if I did not complete my candidate number?

Our experienced grading staff carefully reviews each answer sheet for completeness. A staff member will complete your candidate number to ensure your scores are recorded correctly. 


Or my name?

We primarily use your candidate number as an identifier during the scan sheet grading process; we only use names for reference when someone has written his or her candidate number incorrectly. 


Will my using a pen cause a problem with scoring my exam?

While we prefer to have multiple choice/item set answer sheets completed in pencil, our electronic scanner will recognize most types of ink. If the scanner doesn’t recognize an ink mark, an experienced operator will review the answer sheet to ensure answers are recorded by our system appropriately.


What if I didn’t sign the exam pledge?

We will notify you if you did not sign the Candidate Pledge. You will be given another opportunity to read and sign the pledge so that your examination can be graded.



我直接就忘记写candidate number,也没有涂,该怎么办呢?

