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Send rude email to recruiter?

After a process that lasted 6 months (big4), I was informed by the head recruiter they decided to pass on me. Here is the backstory...(sorry for the lenght):

Went through four rounds of interviews in Los Angeles (I am from a small shop in San Diego), with 16 different partners/managers along the way. I knew they were looking for someone with a little more experience, but that they also had multiple openings for someone with my experience level as well.

After the final interview, I was told "congratulations, everything went really well. At this point, you can expect an offer letter in the mail. I just need to get the final signatures from some higher ups, and that could take a couple of hours, or a couple of days".

That same weekend, the recruiter contacted my coworker, who is senior to me, and asked if he was interested in interviewing. My coworker had not applied to this company - one of the mangers over there recognized my firm name after interviewing me and remembered him. Long story short, they rushed him through the interview process (i.e. one afternoon) and gave him a job offer. He accepted.

I called the recruiter, and asked him for an update on offer letter. He asked me what I was talking about and pretended that the conversation had never happened between us. A few days later, he sent me an e-mail saying they would be passing on me because of a policy regarding taking two people from the same firm within a certain time period.

So, here I am. Do I accept it for what it's worth and move on? I want to send this guy an email expressing my displeasure with how he handled the interview process and how he went behind my back and hired my coworker after indicating to me that I would be receiving an offer letter.

Thoughts? How would you handle this?

xx Beesby

I know it sucks, but you don't have anything to gain from sending angry messages. Just accept that you didn't get the job, thank the recruiter for his time (even if he sucks), and move on. You don't know if you'll be working with these people in some capacity in the future.

If you really want to retaliate, bang your co-worker's wife.


My coworker actually knew I was interviewing. He was upfront and told me immediately when the recruiter contacted him, and when he received the offer. I told him to go for it, because it would be a great opportunity for either of us. Plus, my coworker didn't contact them, they called him. No blame on my coworker for this one.


Savage, it was for a Big4. Rather not get into any more specifics. I think I'll take the advice of others and just let it go. You deal with some sh itty people in life, but that's just life. Just gotta hope for a better outcome next time.


Send him a dead fish in the mail.


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