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Took Sample 1 and got a 65%? What to make of it?

Well i failed the first sample test. Is a month enough to bring it up? Also how well does it correlate to the actual exam?

I believe one month is enough to review the materials and practice more questions. From what I gather by reading other peoples' posts in this forum, the sample exam is easier than the actual exam. I still need to take the sample exam before I can give my own opinion about its difficulty level vs the actual exam.


It's enough time. The practice exams have two major benefits:
1 - You can see the level of trickiness and layout of the questions that you can expect on the actual exam. This can help you decide the best way to approach the material for the remainder of time.
2 - You can see where you are having the most issues and put more effort in those areas.

Don't get discouraged. I'd rather fail the practice exams and pass the real thing as opposed to the other way around. From my experience (L2 Candidate), I felt that the real exam for L1 was slightly more difficult than the practice exams in 2008 (I can't speak for 2009).


上一主题:guaranteed AAV and Eco?
下一主题:Relationship between money supply and aggregate demand