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$700 or so to CFA.
$50 to join CFA Society of UK
$100 or so on some iPad apps

That's about it. And yeah, probably saved a bit by not going out as much...although with a little boy at home, it's not like we were going out all that much anyway....

If you think hiring a professional is expensive...
wait until you've hired an amateur.


I checked into a hotel for a week, plus air fare, that alone is over $1500!


600 to CFAI.
2 USD for having a cup of tea and a half pack of snaks
Got a lift to exam centre!
35 USD for Schweser Notes
15 USD for Schweser Mock (which i didnt take)
Total 642

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Saturday, June 11, 2011 at 06:21AM by hasnain0099.


just curious, what kind of job reimburse for CFA exams? equity research? portfolio management?


some companies even give staff 1-2 wk leave before the exam.


$700 paid to CFAI; spent $1,000 on stalla and $800 on schweser. In the end I thought it was a good investment as the exam went really well :-)


stephaniez Wrote:
> just curious, what kind of job reimburse for CFA
> exams? equity research? portfolio management?

I'm a portfolio analyst on a wealth management team, they reimburse if I pass.


My exact costs:

$700 CFAI.
$50 for Elan 11th hour.
$5 for new calculator battery.
$50 for paper/ink costs.
$3 for index cards
$20 parking fee at test location.

$828 total. And I'm 80-90% sure I passed, so I feel it was well worth it.


上一主题:Difference of points between Bands
下一主题:Equity Indexing