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Why does the Schweser secret sauce omit things?

In comparing the Schweser secret sauce to the CFAI readings, I see that the Secret Sauce omits entire sections of certain readings. Why is this? Aren’t these excluded sections fair game? Would the CFAI throw in some of the excluded sections just to mess with candidates who don’t go over every section of every reading thorougly? For example, the Secret Sauce omits sections 2, 3, and 4 within Reading 7.

secret sauce is not what you should be reading (instead of the reading). it is a something that serves as a memory aide for a large portion… tidbits to digest and things to keep in mind. It should not be your only means of studying.


Secret sauce is a super condensed version of the curriculum. You’re still responsible for everything in the CFA texts, but the secret sauces covers the things you absolutely must know to pass.


Secret Sauce is a great final review. I have been adding in notes to the margins of Secret Sauce for anything I think I may want to review later on. The book is a fantastic condensed summary of some key components, but exclusively studying off it would not be very useful.


上一主题:quick calculator question
下一主题:CFA Book 4 pg 149 #5 CDO Equity Tranche