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CFAI SS-14 Reading 40, page 300

The return on hedged portfolio is zero. Can sombody help me get back to sanity?
If hedged return is zero (after translation and forward contract) why the hell would someone buy foreign asset? Why would you even construct a hedge? Investor might as well keep the cash under mattress.
I thought we are trying to hedge either the translation risk and/or the economic risk (local currnecy correlated with local asset return) but I didn’t realize that final asset return is zero after that.

Think of sources of return from GPE chapter. If you hedge the currency all you are doing is making your Currency Allocation Contribution is zero. This is to be on safe side since manager can concentrate on his core task of Market Allocation and Security Selection without worrying about currency . So you still have other sources of return to domestic portfloio Like MAC and SSC
I hope this explains your question.


上一主题:Local Society has to approve work experience and CFAI ????
下一主题:GIPS - Large versus Significant Cash Flow Policy