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level 1 mock 50第98题

98. Hub Global, Inc. has issued two classes of debt securities to finance its operations, a first
mortgage bond and debenture bonds. All else equal, will the default and recovery rates of the
debenture likely be higher than the first mortgage bond?
Default rate? Recovery rate?
A. No           No
B. No          Yes
C. Yes          No
答案是A,解答中说mortgage bond and debenture bonds的defaul trate是一样的,没太理解?

比如这个公司发了mortgage bond和debenture bond,如果公司发生问题了,还不出钱了,那么两个都会default掉,因为即使只还一个bond不还另外一个bond,被default的bond holder还是会告上法庭让公司破产清算的


Default rate是由公司的特性决定的,与发生债券是没有关系的。

