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Reading 2-I: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guida Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-3 3 / 24567 Inness 2008-12-24 18:51
[求助]CFA 1级考试提供稿纸吗? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 ethanshe 2008-12-3 6 / 24804 vincentbli 2008-12-23 06:22
[20081215]把金融支持中小企业放在更加突出的地位 【投行资料、研究报告、VC\PE】 共享投资 2008-12-15 4 / 23413 kijfd 2008-12-22 11:06
请问这道模拟题应该怎么做 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 zmmengxue 2008-12-5 2 / 24521 reg168 2008-12-20 13:11
请问一个题目 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 zmmengxue 2008-12-5 2 / 24503 reg168 2008-12-18 17:26
[20081210](消息快报)航空,机械 【投行资料、研究报告、VC\PE】 共享投资 2008-12-11 1 / 23237 xiaoma 2008-12-11 13:33
[灌水]想问一下昨天考level 1 的版友,你们会考09年6月level 2吗? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 roychan 2008-12-8 2 / 23780 roychan 2008-12-8 19:07
请问一个LEVEL 1 的题目 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 zmmengxue 2008-12-5 1 / 23779 camilleZ 2008-12-5 11:21
请问LEVEL 1的一个题目 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 zmmengxue 2008-12-5 0 / 23815 zmmengxue 2008-12-5 08:17
请问LEVEL 1的一个题目 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 zmmengxue 2008-12-4 2 / 23725 xiaoming_w 2008-12-4 21:53
Reading 3: Introduction to the Global Investment Performan Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-5-15 4 / 24902 ziteng1982 2008-12-4 21:28
Reading 12: Technical Analysis - LOS b, (Part 1) ~ Q1-6 Quantitative cfaedu 2008-4-16 2 / 24898 nic_yang 2008-12-4 14:08
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 3 / 24516 mars997 2008-12-3 11:08
告别CFA 的考试岁月 ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 netlife 2008-9-28 19 / 26982 33113509 2008-12-2 01:44
Reading 60: An Introduction to Security Valuation: Part II Equity cfaedu 2008-4-10 3 / 25022 chenrlk 2008-11-30 15:20
Reading 30: Financial Reporting Mechanics - LOS e ~ Q1-3 Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-8 2 / 24346 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 01:17
Reading 30: Financial Reporting Mechanics - LOS d ~ Q1-4 Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-8 4 / 24718 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 01:12
Reading 30: Financial Reporting Mechanics - LOS c ~ Q1-2 Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-8 2 / 24325 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 01:07
Reading 30: Financial Reporting Mechanics - LOS b ~ Q1-3 Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-8 2 / 24330 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 00:57
Reading 30: Financial Reporting Mechanics - LOS a ~ Q1-2 Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-8 2 / 24431 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 00:52
Reading 29: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-7 2 / 24435 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 00:45
Reading 29: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-7 2 / 24324 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 00:39
Reading 29: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-7 2 / 24595 mcdullpong 2008-11-24 00:27
Reading 35: Analysis of Inventories - LOS c, (Part 2) ~ Q Financial Statement Analysis cfaedu 2008-4-14 3 / 24320 linfeng87 2008-11-21 08:27
CFA考试、考场注意事宜,新生必读 【CFA学习交流讨论】 cfaspace 2008-11-17 1 / 25355 karen225 2008-11-20 19:12
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 2 / 24597 Figo-wong 2008-11-18 16:05
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 2 / 24386 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 21:36
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 2 / 24484 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 21:28
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 2 / 24378 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 21:13
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 2 / 24615 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 21:05
Reading 2-V: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidan Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-10 2 / 24991 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 20:30
Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guida Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-10 2 / 24840 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 16:58
Reading 2-VI: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guida Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-10 2 / 24804 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 16:53
Reading 2-VII: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-17 2 / 25082 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 15:59
[求助]请教sample exam里面关于完工百分比法和完成合同法(FSA) 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 michigan09 2008-11-14 1 / 25050 胡老师 2008-11-17 15:29
Reading 2-IV: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guid Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-9 5 / 25986 Figo-wong 2008-11-17 15:23
原来每天吃的还真是毒药! 【幽默搞笑、娱乐八卦】 椭圆开关 2008-11-7 0 / 23966 椭圆开关 2008-11-7 09:55
Reading 2- LOS A、B、C- Q76-80 Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-4-2 4 / 24504 elea0930 2008-11-5 21:41
[求助]关于Schweser一级模拟题的难度,急 【CFA学习交流讨论】 mcool 2008-11-3 2 / 24835 mcool 2008-11-4 14:05
[求助]一个关于future EPS的题目 【CFA学习交流讨论】 舍我其谁 2008-10-31 1 / 23954 sunyve2001 2008-11-3 10:19
1.恐龙化石是大洪水证据? 【贴图、灌水专区】 balmon 2008-11-3 1 / 24154 balmon 2008-11-3 09:37
巴菲特对能源基础行业以及资产证券化的看法 【投行实战与研讨】 financer 2008-10-31 0 / 24178 financer 2008-10-31 10:26
[CFA模拟真题] 2006 CFA Level I -NO56 ... 1 2 3 4 5 【CFA一级试题精选】 cfaedu 2006-11-21 45 / 31737 natty 2008-10-30 09:40
ZZCFA2009一级考试的有用信息与学习指导 【CFA学习交流讨论】 augustkai 2008-10-21 5 / 23931 liuliur 2008-10-27 19:05
[20081015]( 宏观及策略)9月人民币贷款同比增长14.5% 【投行资料、研究报告、VC\PE】 共享投资 2008-10-15 0 / 23385 共享投资 2008-10-15 15:52
[2081015]( 地产--开发商)新世界发展 【投行资料、研究报告、VC\PE】 共享投资 2008-10-15 0 / 23400 共享投资 2008-10-15 15:44
Reading 53: Evaluating the Performance of Your Hedge Fund Equity cfaedu 2008-5-21 2 / 24835 bmsdr 2008-10-15 11:47
[求助]UPS究竟在搞什么,寄的书这么折腾 【CFA学习交流讨论】 shuxiang 2008-8-28 7 / 25918 wlnwu 2008-10-10 09:34
30个无厘头笑话 【幽默搞笑、娱乐八卦】 nishang 2008-10-7 0 / 23855 nishang 2008-10-7 14:25
老爸给梁山伯的信 【幽默搞笑、娱乐八卦】 nishang 2008-10-7 0 / 23948 nishang 2008-10-7 14:02