标签: investment

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Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives - LOS b ~ Q1-4 ... 1 2 3 4 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-8 34 / 28689 tan2000 2011-2-24 11:35
2008 CFA Level 1 - Sample 样题(3)-Q54 ... 1 2 3 4 【CFA一级试题精选】 3975 2008-11-5 33 / 25962 xxjj564 2011-2-23 15:07
[CFA level 1模拟真题]Version 5 Questions-Q38 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 【CFA一级试题精选】 cfaedu 2007-10-25 57 / 29709 agonyboy 2011-2-23 10:29
Reading 14- LOS B ~ Q1-2 Economics cfaedu 2008-4-2 2 / 24814 superchin 2011-2-20 14:22
CFA Institute Investment Series : international financial statement analysis ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 24 【CFA考试资料共享下载】 honey2009 2009-4-17 239 / 49498 edmondchou 2011-2-19 18:00
2008 CFA Level 1 - Sample 样题(3)-Q10 ... 1 2 3 4 【CFA一级试题精选】 3975 2008-11-5 36 / 26182 xxjj564 2011-2-18 17:24
Reading 73: Alternative Investments - LOSf(part 1)~Q1-7 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Alternative Investments yanghon 2009-2-28 73 / 40950 abby_tong77 2011-2-13 11:21
Reading 45: Cost of Capital - LOS j ~Q1-2 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 Corporate Finance mayanfang1 2009-1-22 69 / 34993 maggie78 2011-2-10 17:37
[分享] 金融街讲座--并购 (世界并购专家,CFA主讲) 【CFA考试资料共享下载】 应用金融硕士 2010-6-13 3 / 24648 elpam 2011-2-10 15:15
[ 2009 Mock Exam (PM) ] Equity Investments .Questions 79-90 ... 1 2 【CFA一级试题精选】 bingning 2009-6-30 10 / 25246 xxjj564 2011-2-9 09:24
Reading Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives - LOS a ~ Q1-2 ... 1 2 3 4 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-8 33 / 28695 elea0930 2011-2-4 14:13
猎头职位-广州某外资保险公司CFO 【投行人在职场】 kimboliu 2011-1-28 0 / 23770 kimboliu 2011-1-28 16:32
Reading 70: Taxes and Private Wealth Management in a Global C ... 1 2 Portfolio Management youzizhang 2009-4-2 18 / 27488 hc888 2011-1-25 15:46
Reading 70: Taxes and Private Wealth Management in a Global C ... 1 2 3 Portfolio Management youzizhang 2009-4-2 22 / 27574 hc888 2011-1-25 15:42
Investment Valuation-Damodaran/Brealey-Meyers.Principles.of.Corporate.Finance ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 72 【FRM考试资料共享下载】 pohuaping 2006-9-1 717 / 71272 兜兜910204 2011-1-16 20:41
Reading 17: The Exchange Rate and Balance of Payments - LO ... 1 2 3 4 Economics mayanfang1 2009-1-13 34 / 28615 annyyu 2011-1-4 04:58
Reading 17: The Exchange Rate and Balance of Payments - LO ... 1 2 3 Economics mayanfang1 2009-1-13 25 / 27312 annyyu 2011-1-4 04:56
Reading 17: The Exchange Rate and Balance of Payments-LOS b习 Economics 土豆妮 2010-4-13 9 / 24329 annyyu 2011-1-4 03:38
Reading 14: Economic Growth-LOS c习题精选 ... 1 2 Economics 土豆妮 2010-4-12 11 / 25306 annyyu 2010-12-7 03:30
Reading 46: Working Capital Management - LOS e, (Part 2) ... 1 2 Corporate Finance cfaedu 2008-4-9 11 / 26627 khaipinglai 2010-12-3 23:30
Reading 73: Alternative Investments Losf习题精选 ... 1 2 3 Alternative Investments honeycfa 2010-4-27 23 / 27917 khaipinglai 2010-12-2 20:38
Reading 73: Alternative Investments Losa习题精选 ... 1 2 Alternative Investments honeycfa 2010-4-27 17 / 26020 khaipinglai 2010-12-2 20:38
Reading 58: Company Analysis and Stock Selection - LOS b~ ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 Equity yangh 2009-3-2 68 / 32684 hnzjbenson 2010-12-2 18:53
Reading 56: An Introduction to Security Valuation- LOS b~ ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 Equity yanghon 2009-3-2 63 / 31109 tangfaxi 2010-12-2 17:34
Reading 61: Risks Associated with Investing in Bonds- LO ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 9 Fixed Income yangh 2009-3-2 81 / 34846 yruanca 2010-12-2 16:58
Reading 63: Understanding Yield Spreads- LOS j~ Q1-3 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 9 Fixed Income yangh 2009-3-2 80 / 33455 khaipinglai 2010-12-1 21:33
请求:2010 mock exam afternoon #5, #13,#14 【CFA学习交流讨论】 john709 2010-12-1 0 / 23684 john709 2010-12-1 15:10
Reading 65:Yield Measures, Spot Rates, and Forward Rates- ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Fixed Income yangh 2009-3-4 79 / 33622 khaipinglai 2010-12-1 12:15
limitation of NPV in investment appraisal 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 bair 2010-11-25 1 / 24584 bair 2010-11-25 17:45
Reading 4: Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) Ethical and Standards cfaedu 2008-5-15 3 / 25415 jingh1981 2010-11-20 06:15
Reading 53: Security-Market Indexes - LOS a(part 2)~ Q5-8 ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Equity yanghon 2009-3-2 70 / 33117 seraphiris0116 2010-11-15 14:57
Reading 65: Using Credit Derivatives to Enhance Return and Ma ... 1 2 3 Derivatives youzizhang 2009-4-2 24 / 27438 紫栀 2010-11-8 21:40
F9常见问题(FAQ) 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 adminwcq 2008-9-18 4 / 25838 yang1988 2010-11-5 15:30
[求助]关于 Realized Gain 【CFA学习交流讨论】 oodoolay 2010-6-2 2 / 24629 zhoushuqing 2010-10-25 12:25
ACCA考试参考资料(English) ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 7 【ACCA 资料共享下载】 dbda 2009-5-26 66 / 29393 wuzi911 2010-10-20 20:57
Reading 6: Discounted Cash Flow Applications-LOS a, (Part 1) Quantitative bmaggie 2010-4-7 9 / 24652 xm819951172 2010-9-25 11:48
每日一练F8 (INT) 答案回复可见 ... 1 2 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 sjky 2008-10-11 17 / 26010 ronggrong 2010-9-19 16:30
Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guida ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ethical and Standards mayanfang1 2009-1-4 57 / 30903 scofield1985 2010-9-19 06:52
Reading 30: Dividends and Dividend Policy LOS k~ Q1-10 ... 1 2 3 Corporate Finance youzizhang 2009-3-4 22 / 28664 月亮姐姐 2010-9-15 09:03
每日一练F7 (UK) 答案回复可见 ... 1 2 3 【ACCA 答疑解惑】 sjky 2008-10-11 20 / 26788 mssunshine 2010-9-12 18:03
08年12月f7讲义- chapter 27 - ias 40 investment properties ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 30 【ACCA 资料共享下载】 Lark 2008-9-11 291 / 36011 李芳 2010-8-30 21:18
Reading 7: Statistical Concepts and Market Returns-LOS l习题 Quantitative bmaggie 2010-4-9 4 / 24471 kison 2010-8-24 21:14
Reading 56: Mortgage-Backed Sector of the Bond Market Los f~Q ... 1 2 3 Fixed Income youzizhang 2009-3-23 24 / 26852 lovemom 2010-8-17 05:21
[求助]看不懂 官方 EAXM WEIGHTING 【CFA学习交流讨论】 注金证 2010-8-6 6 / 24170 sunjuice7 2010-8-15 11:46
请问一个职业道德的问题 【CFA学习交流讨论】 milk7054 2010-8-14 1 / 24191 zhouhuarui 2010-8-14 21:06
请问一个职业道德的问题 【CFA学习交流讨论】 milk7054 2010-8-14 1 / 24191 zhouhuarui 2010-8-14 21:06
Reading Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives LOS a-Q 1~2 Ethical and Standards spaceedu 2008-5-20 3 / 24637 huanghai 2010-7-31 14:58
Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives-LOS a习题精选 Ethical and Standards 土豆妮 2010-4-8 7 / 24910 huanghai 2010-7-31 14:53
Reading 9: Changing Investment Objectives-LOS a习题精选 Ethical and Standards 土豆妮 2010-4-8 7 / 24910 huanghai 2010-7-31 14:53
Reading 7: Super Selection-LOS a习题精选 Ethical and Standards 土豆妮 2010-4-6 2 / 24441 huanghai 2010-7-31 14:52