标签: multiple

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2008 CFA Level 1 - Sample 样题(3)-Q53 ... 1 2 3 【CFA一级试题精选】 3975 2008-11-5 26 / 25710 xxjj564 2011-2-25 10:52
Reading 12- LOS b: Q5- 6 Quantitative Methods spaceedu 2008-4-12 2 / 24626 wendyshure 2011-2-19 22:34
Reading 59: Introduction to Price Multiples- LOS a(part ... 1 2 3 4 5 6 .. 8 Equity yangh 2009-3-2 70 / 34368 xxjj564 2010-12-20 16:39
请教大家一个问题 ≡ CFA(注册金融分析师)学习交流区 ≡ Kakatri 2010-9-4 0 / 23673 Kakatri 2010-9-4 10:31
这里人气旺些,发在别的地方没人理……讨教F2的题 【ACCA 学习交流】 daocaodu 2008-10-30 3 / 24598 shlff 2010-7-3 03:58
Reading 30: Dividends and Dividend Policy LOS n~ Q1-9 ... 1 2 3 Corporate Finance youzizhang 2009-3-4 21 / 27926 choichilunghk 2010-6-2 23:44
12: Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Ana Quantitative Methods 土豆妮 2010-4-8 3 / 24639 luqian55 2010-5-30 07:27
12: Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Ana ... 1 2 Quantitative Methods 土豆妮 2010-4-8 17 / 25943 luqian55 2010-5-30 06:48
12: Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Ana Quantitative Methods 土豆妮 2010-4-8 7 / 24375 luqian55 2010-5-29 23:00
Reading 12: Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression A ... 1 2 3 Quantitative Methods mayanfang1 2009-1-8 25 / 27331 沙胖胖 2010-5-14 03:54
Reading 12: Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression A ... 1 2 3 Quantitative Methods mayanfang1 2009-1-8 20 / 27040 沙胖胖 2010-5-14 01:04
Reading 42: Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Val Equity 土豆妮 2010-4-19 2 / 24005 土豆妮 2010-4-19 15:57
Reading 42: Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Val ... 1 2 Equity 土豆妮 2010-4-19 11 / 25495 土豆妮 2010-4-19 15:44
Reading 42: Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Val Equity 土豆妮 2010-4-19 0 / 24091 土豆妮 2010-4-19 15:22
Reading 42: Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Val Equity 土豆妮 2010-4-19 4 / 24079 土豆妮 2010-4-19 15:21
Reading 42: Market-Based Valuation: Price and Enterprise Val ... 1 2 Equity 土豆妮 2010-4-19 12 / 25288 土豆妮 2010-4-19 15:16
One question pls on Level 2 : There are only multiple choices , right ? ≡ CFAspace 服务专区 ≡ mmcapricieuse 2010-1-29 1 / 24422 sommelier 2010-1-31 18:00
CFA level 3 2009年官方sample里是否只有下午的multiple choice阿 【CFA学习交流讨论】 nzharbinger 2009-5-14 2 / 24135 chsherry 2010-1-21 09:42
Level 1选项问题 【CFA学习交流讨论】 negativity 2009-11-27 4 / 23919 chong625 2009-11-27 18:19
[求助]Does multiple choice has only one correct answer ? Level 1 【CFA学习交流讨论】 kw946 2009-10-5 1 / 23892 croco36 2009-10-7 07:30
请教lv2 note3 关于capital budgeting 2个问题, 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 Juice 2009-3-10 4 / 24859 Juice 2009-4-5 15:15
[求助]关于financial services companies与price multiple 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 minminmin 2008-11-23 1 / 24885 胡老师 2008-11-24 12:55
Reading 46: Currency Risk Management-LOS e Portfolio Management tycoon 2008-9-18 3 / 23916 tycoon 2008-9-18 11:57
Reading 18: Excerpts from Invest....ivate Investors-LOS a Portfolio Management tycoon 2008-9-17 4 / 24161 tycoon 2008-9-17 15:02
考试到底是单选还是多选阿? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 lingjoy 2008-8-28 2 / 25778 lingjoy 2008-8-29 13:05
考试到底是单选还是多选阿? 【FRM学习交流讨论】 lingjoy 2008-8-28 1 / 24317 Cody2008 2008-8-28 10:39
[推荐]Call for Papers: JSSM(Journal of Service Science and Management) cg 【FRM学习交流讨论】 xaunlie22 2008-7-23 0 / 23252 xaunlie22 2008-7-23 10:41
[推荐]Call for Papers: JSSM(Journal of Service Science and Management) cg 【CFA学习交流讨论】 xaunlie22 2008-7-23 0 / 23647 xaunlie22 2008-7-23 10:41
[原创]Call for Papers: JSSM(Journal of Service Science and Management) cg 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 xaunlie22 2008-7-11 0 / 24303 xaunlie22 2008-7-11 16:36
[原创]Call for Papers: JSSM(Journal of Service Science and Management) 【CFA学习难点答疑解惑】 xaunlie22 2008-7-11 0 / 24058 xaunlie22 2008-7-11 16:35
Reading 48: Market-Based Valuation: Price Multiples - LOS Equity cfaedu 2008-5-20 1 / 24205 cfaedu 2008-5-20 18:20
Reading 48: Market-Based Valuation: Price Multiples - LOS Equity cfaedu 2008-5-20 1 / 24258 cfaedu 2008-5-20 18:02
Reading 48: Market-Based Valuation: Price Multiples -LOS Equity cfaedu 2008-5-20 1 / 24290 cfaedu 2008-5-20 17:50
Reading 48: Market-Based Valuation: Price Multiples - LOS Equity cfaedu 2008-5-20 1 / 24071 cfaedu 2008-5-20 17:43
哀求2008 Schweser Lv 3 Book 6/7 Answers for multiple choice questions 【FRM学习交流讨论】 zdlan 2008-5-12 1 / 23764 richardtsd 2008-5-13 10:18
哀求2008 Schweser Lv 3 Book 6/7 Answers for multiple choice questions 【CFA学习交流讨论】 zdlan 2008-5-12 1 / 24290 richardtsd 2008-5-13 10:18
Anyone has CFA L3 candidate readings please? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 hkocean 2006-5-8 1 / 24307 wejn11s 2008-4-19 20:01
Reading 12- LOS e (Part 3) : Q1- 5 Quantitative Methods spaceedu 2008-4-12 1 / 24318 spaceedu 2008-4-12 16:14
Reading 11- LOS F (Part 2): Q15 Quantitative Methods cfaedu 2008-4-1 1 / 23966 cfaedu 2008-4-1 13:48
07年6月考试是否改成多项选择了??心情很紧张阿!有谁知道确确消息 ... 1 2 【CFA学习交流讨论】 merrill 2007-1-6 17 / 26798 georgexu 2007-5-15 01:28
Does CFA Level II only have multiple choices questions? 【CFA学习交流讨论】 jerryhz 2006-10-28 4 / 24315 sylvestre 2007-5-7 10:39
官方网站上的这两个考试要求 【CFA学习交流讨论】 Diana 2006-10-29 1 / 24112 andych 2006-10-30 06:13