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- 2013-6-17
刚看了第一个session intercorporate investments,细节可真多啊,做了后面的习题,发现几个对答案有点疑惑的题,请高人指点下吧
1. Notes page 33, 习题第5道,问carrying value of its financial assets的,我为啥总惦记着GAAP是不允许value被write up的呢?
2. Notes page 34, 习题第7道,问At t=2, Kirk will report the carrying value of those held-to-maturity securities at what price 答案是B,我自己选的也是B,但是答案上说held-to-maturity 应该被REPORT为amortized cost,答案B只是initial cost, 并没有算任何amortization,当然,题目也没提供什么amortization的细节,只是觉得有点不太精确啊?
3. NOTES page 37, 习题第18道,问net income for the year ended 2009,答案居然说 not affected by proportionate consolidation,FT, 前面例题上在consolidation前与后都会发生变化,只说equity method and proportionate consolidation得到的net income是相同的。。。不明白为什么答案说不影响