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L1: Tests for the three forms of efficient market hypothesis???



Tests for weak-form & semistrong-form EMH 大多阐述投资者如何如何cannot earn abnormal returns, like trading rule tests, return prediction studies;而strong-form EMH tests 说各种角色是如何获得above-average profit的。。。怎么感觉是和三种有效市场定义相反的?我对三种形式的理解一直不好,怎么把这些test和三种市场联系起来?或者大家有没有这块的材料推荐啊。。。

weak form EMH: no trend patterns/study pass has nothing value for the future --> technical analysis meaningless

semi-strong form EMH: stock act only to news --> fundamental analysis meaningless

strong form EMH: abnormal return impossible --> alpha strictly equals to zero/active fund management meaningless


pretty much all I know about, you may have already got what i say here. anyway, hope it can help

