Session 1: Ethical and Professional Standards Reading 2-III: Standards of Professional Conduct & Guidance: Duties to Clients and Prospective Clients
LOS A.: Loyalty, Prudence, and Care.
Heidi Krueger, CFA, an investment advisor, applies soft dollars generated from client accounts to purchase a report on the economic impact of world events, and to purchase a new conference table for the office she uses to meet with clients and prospects. Do these purchases violate Standard III(A) Loyalty, Prudence, and Care?
A) |
Both of these purchases violate the Standard. | |
B) |
Only one of these purchases violates the Standard. | |
C) |
Neither of these purchases violates the Standard. | |
Using soft dollars for the purchase of office furniture does not benefit clients and is a violation. Purchasing research reports with soft dollars is not a violation, but the advisor should ensure that research purchased with client brokerage will benefit her clients. |