operating lease 的使用本身是符合clean surplus relationship的,因为operating lease产生的expense是经过income statement,然后进入到equity里的。
你首先要搞清一个概念,那就是在做residual income model valuation时,有很多情况需要对NI进行调整,violations of the clean surplus relationship只是其中的一项。还有其他的项目也要对NI进行调整,比如operating lease to capitalization lease.
查书(residual income P600-605)
operating lease 在做调整成capitalized lease时,
Asset + Present value of operating lease
Liability + present value of operating lease
Equity not change ( 虽然我本人认为因为EBIT的改变也影响了这个部分,但你就先记住不变吧)
Income statement
EBIT+ operating lease renting expense - Depreciation Pv of operating lease
你要会自己计算pv of operating lease, depreciation , 具体查看书READING 26
[此贴子已经被作者于2010-6-3 16:00:27编辑过] |