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The Japanese yen is trading at USD:JPY 115.2200 and the Danish krone (DKK) is trading at DKK:JPY 16.4989. The DKK:USD exchange rate is:

DKK:USD 6.9835.
DKK:USD 0.5260.
DKK:USD 0.1432.

The cross rate between USD and DKK is calculated in the following manner:

(JPY:USD)(DKK:JPY) = (1 / 115.2200) × 16.4989 = DKK:USD 0.1432 (the Yen cancels out)


A Mexican dealer gives a quote of USD:MXN 8.00 - 8.10 and a London dealer quotes USD:GBP 2.00 - 2.10. What is the GBP:MXN bid and ask from the perspective of a Mexican dealer?

3.81 ? 3.86.
4.00 ? 4.05.
3.81 ? 4.05.

This result is determined as follows:

Step 1: Invert GBP quote.

First, we need to invert the GBP quotes to make the currency units GBP:USD. Then, when we multiply by the USD:MXN quote we will have the correct GBP:MXN units. (Remember that when you take the reciprocal of a quote, the bid becomes the ask and vice versa. So, for the bid we take the given ask)

Bid: 1.00000 / 2.10000USD:GBP = 0.47619GBP:USD

Ask: 1.00000 / 2.00000USD:GBP = 0.50000GBP:USD

Step 2: Calculate GBP:MXN bid-ask Prices.

Bid: 8.00000USD:MXN × 0.47619GBP:USD = 3.80952GBP:MXN, or 3.81GBP:MXN.

Ask: 8.10000USD:MXN × 0.50000GBP:USD = 4.05000GBP:MXN, or 4.05GBP:MXN.

Thus, the GBP:MXN bid-ask is: 3.81 - 4.05.

