上一主题:很有用的资料:CFA Ethics笔记
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L1 Ethics Fair Dealing handbook有段没看懂

Treating clients fairly also means that members and candidates should
not take advantage of their position in the industry to the detriment of clients.
For instance, in the context of IPOs, members and candidates must make
bona fide public distributions of “hot issue” securities (defined as securities
of a public offering that are trading at a premium in the secondary market
whenever such trading commences because of the great demand for the
securities). Members and candidates are prohibited from withholding such
securities for their own benefit and must not use such securities as a reward
or incentive to gain benefit.



我是这么理解的:就是说不能用他们参与IPO发行的有利条件使自己获利或者损害顾客的利益!比如,我现在代理一家公司的IPO发行,手里有1000股,我无偿赠送500股给我一个有钱的顾客让他给我介绍更多的有钱顾客,这个就是严格禁止的。 这就是Members and candidates are prohibited from withholding such
securities for their own benefit and must not use such securities as a reward or incentive to gain benefit的意思。


上一主题:很有用的资料:CFA Ethics笔记