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They would also be willing to license the medical device to a strategic or equity partner. The company is a 20 year-old business headquartered in Europe. The company's business is currently concentrated on vital signs and bed monitoring applications, such as bed exit and epileptic seizure alarm.

At the heart of the company's system is a thin monitoring sheet under
the mattress that can monitor the movements in bed without any
intrusive connection to the patient.  The primary focus has been the
ability to monitor an elliptic seizure and automatically call a nurse,
caregiver or family member. The second focus has been monitoring bed
exit for individuals with dementia and related conditions. To date,
over 8,000 systems have been sold and strong patents are in place.

pls  contact : vcinfo@126.com

could you give me more detail information ,such as your demand ,the parter's quanlity .,etc
pld contact  tanbinusa@yahoo.com

