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Schweser MP3 Notes

Just wondering if anyone has used the MP3 Notes and found them good?Did you actually use them?

I was considering buying them when they are out and listening on my I Phone while commutting or shopping...

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 04:24AM by niamh23.

I find them to be my lazy excuse of not feeling guilty about doing something other than studying... like if I come home tired from work, I'll play online poker while my notes are playing... the nice part about that is if you play the notes you haven't read before, its easier to stay focused on them when you do read em because they look a bit familiar but listening during my commute puts me RIGHT to sleep, hope it helps


上一主题:Question wording
下一主题:Postponed L1 till June 2011 - Ideas for next 4 months?