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June 2011: Study Process

I have Elan's ultimate prep package, and am going to follow this study process for each reading:

1. Watch the videos.
2. Read the study guide.
3. Work through Elan's practice questions.

Is it worth throwing in a 4th step to work CFAI's EOC questions? There are just so many readings, and the longer the process, the longer it will take to get through each reading. Any other suggestions (11th hour guide)?

Some of the EOC CFAI questions are not multiple choice...and seem long and tedious.

4th step indeed is essential. You've got about 9 months til the exam, I think you can squeeze in that extra step.

If you have to cut out a step it would be watching all the videos IMO. I have the videos but barely ever use them as I can probably read through the material twice in the time that it takes for a video to complete. However, if you have the time, I can see them being useful before reading.


I think their videos were great. Print out the slides and jot down stuff as you go. It really helps retain everything.


Trying to optimize my time. I just want to study in the most efficient way possible, given that I also have a full-time job. This exam is all about quantity....have to get through the material in about 10 hours a week.

For example, the EOC questions for the SS7 (first one I started with) seem somewhat excessive for only a small % of exam questions. Am I just seeing this all wrong?

Pgiger Wrote:
> The 4th step is look at the CFA curriculum? Why
> wouldn't you?

