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Slopes of Diagrams

SML(return vs. beta): the slope of the line is the market risk premium;

CML(return vs. beta): the slope of the line is the sharpe ratio;

Duration(price vs. yield): the slope of the tangent line in Price/yield diagram;

Delta(C/P vs. S): the slope of the tangent line in the Payoff diagram.


Any other Slopes in L3?

note changes to above

SML(return vs. beta): the slope of the line is the market risk premium(TREYNOR)

CML(return vs. STANDARD DEVIATION): the slope of the line is the sharpe ratio;

dont forget Delta and Gamma


hedge ratio is the slope coefficient of the regression of the asset return on the futures return

delta (for currency hedging) is the slope coefficient of the change in exchange rate to the change in option price

I think there are a couple more


AMA Wrote:
> deriv108 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Just reiterate what Xtra said...The slope of
> the
> > SML is the Treynor ratio of the market
> portfolio.
> You mean : The slope of the SML is (Rm - Rf) / Bm
> ?

It is E(Ri) - Rf / Bi which is equal to E(Rm) - Rf

