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Difficulty of Math in Level 2

Anyone know if there is much math harder than the fancy arithmetic used in level 1? Not sure if I remember too much from my college math courses.

I consider myself a mathtard (not PC, but too good not to use) and I passed the quant section with out too many headaches.

My advice is to go through it the first time knowing that you can't soak it all up on the first pass and that the info will make more sense each time you revisit the subject.


There are a million calculations to learn, but none of them are very difficult on their own. There is some calculus in option pricing, etc., but you just need to know the theory there.

I'd take ten hard calculations over 100 easier ones any day...


scary number of formulas to memorize and some of the formulas are very long but i dont think that any of the math is really difficult, it's just keeping the formulas straight in your head and that is brutal


It's not that bad quant was not that cac intensive.

The H Formula is a little long.

In Equity they may ask you to solve a problem and find: Price, g or r. If you are like me and not that fast at the algebra you may want to memorize the formula's in 2 forms solve for Price and for r. That way on the exam you don't have to sweat out the algebra.

Example P= d X (1+g)/(r-g) and r = [d X (1+g)/p] +g


High school math for the most part. Nothing too difficult at all. Basic algebra and may have to rearrange a formula or two.


I am waiting for the L2 books. But I guess we do not need complicated calculus, moment generating functions, or survival analysis of frequency and severity models for L2 or may be L3.


Three words: Treynor Black model.

Though CFAI does not ask you to memorize the model, it would be best if you are able to calculate it cold during the exam so that you are able to nail all questions related to it.

