上一主题:GIPS P367, Q31
下一主题:status quo , representativeness, anchoring
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How long does the answer need to be?

Can someone kindly tell me how long I should write for each question?

In Kaplan practice questions and answers, they normally give a discussion paragraph. Do I need to write this (in a briefer way) or just give the few words answer will satisfy full marks?


check cfai past morning exams answer guidelines for ref............its on the cfai website or u can ask one of your fellow analist to send it to you via email.......


whatever length of response answers the question 100% would, in my opinion, be the correct length


No need to get detailed in answers. It's better to write succinct direct-to-the-point answers. Bullet points are also perfectly fine. In fact, I would say the graders would prefer bullet points since it makes their jobs easier.

The reason anyone would write a long answer is more likely because he/she is unsure so they try to write as much as possible hoping to scrape a few points. If you write too much fluff, you won't have enough time to finish the exam.

I usually finish exams quickly. I left the afternoon session of the Level III around 20 minutes before time was up. The morning session, however, I was writing until the very last minute.


上一主题:GIPS P367, Q31
下一主题:status quo , representativeness, anchoring