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Would you defer to another year?

I have been travelling on business this spring and have been otherwise very busy with work so have had a difficult time spending time doing anything more than the readings. The good: I completed all the CFA readings but for GIPs. The bad: haven't done any of the EOC questions nor any Schweser or CFA online exams.

Is 4 weeks of trying to cram practice questions sufficient. I will be able to take the last week off but realistically even with full days available my saturation point for studying is 6 hours.

What would you do? I have virtually no retention of readings completed a few months back. If this is "salvageable" I'm willing to go the full throttle but wondering if its better to wait and do this right (I kinda feel one should start doing practice exams 2 months out).

You are in good shape. Knock out EOCs for the next two - three weeks. Then, work on exams for the last 10-14 days and you should be good to go for a decent shot at passing. It is easy to get freaked out by some of the posters on here who have already completed 12 practice exams and read through the material 4 times.


you already paid, what is the harm of taking the exam?


get it over with (or at least try). I am sort of in the same boat. I have been studying a good bit the past month, but will be getting married in a week and have to be in another wedding before the exam weekend. I do not want to be doing this next year.


reading ther CFAI text on your honeymoon is the NKI


What you got to loose? maybe not the kind of margin of safety you would like to have prior to the exam. but "learning by doing" for the next 4 weeks can get you there. Go for it....


i get this ALL THE TIME. "I dont want you to blame me for not being able to study!" not giving me any excuses. only we dont have kids so that makes it much easier i imagine


I dont really want to go I dont really want to stay


just do it, you dont want to hold up your life for another year if you don't have to. Even the off chance of a pass is worth the marginal additional effort it will take.

taking the exam now is good practice if you need to take it again

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, May 4, 2011 at 11:26PM by bodhisattva.


上一主题:Study Plan
下一主题:What do you think?