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Study technique - Do you read everything in the chapter?

Thus far, my technique has been to read a given CFAI chapter, paying careful attention to the exhibits and examples, then do the EOC questions, and move on. I tend to read pretty much everything, taking notes or highlighting sections that seem important.

I've been told that one can study more effectively by not studying so intensely those portions of the text that do not relate specifically to an LOS. My problem is that I don't really understand a particular LOS until after I've completed the entire reading (concepts frequently build on one another)

What's your approach to the individual readings? Do you read "selectively," or do you cover it all?

- Robert

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Monday, December 13, 2010 at 06:44PM by Robert A.

I just read through everything once first- then, as you mentioned, you have more of an idea of what the LOS' are all about.


I read it all.


i read it all, and the things i dont understand i read once then flag with a post it for another day .


That's what I've been doing, but I worry that the EOCs cover only some of the bases in the reading.

I do make an effort to work through all the exhibits and examples in the chapters. CFAI says that exam questions are based in part on those things.

jaeestrada Wrote:
> The LOSs are so broad that I can't decipher which
> part in the readings directly coordinate with the
> knowledge requirements. So, I get stuck reading
> it all. Although, I don't try to comprehend it
> all, just get the general idea and take the EOC
> questions.

- Robert

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at Wednesday, December 15, 2010 at 12:54PM by Robert A.


most of the examples in the chapters are covered in the subsequent EOC questions, and thus I tend to skip some of those lenghty examples. Other than that, I read through all of the material, highlighting key elements for when I come back review.

Although I'd like to, I have not started hitting Qbank yet. Once I've gotten through the entire curriclumn (readings and EOC questions), I will start blasting Qbank for 2-3 hours per night and review the texts/EOC questions, as well......


Like Jay, I'm going to pound the Qbank after I've completed the readings. I'll go back to the EOCs if I still need review-- which I'm sure I will.

I also agree with you about Qbank. As with the level 1 questions on there, they were too shallow. I haven't looked at level 2 Qbank yet, but I'm guessing it's similar.


listen to schweser videos and then read it all. will save lot of time...


Guys: What are EOC problems? Not familiar with the acronym.

Also, Last time I took level 2, I felt I was flooded with different materials. Passively watching the videos didn't help. The Schweser Books seem to be concise summaries of the CFA textbooks. My only reservation with the Schweser books is that I cannot edit and annotate them in Adobe and don't feel like printing them all. How do you guys circumvent this?

I think what I will try to do is go through the curriculum one LOS at a time, looking primarily in the Schweser text, using the primary text if needed and then testing myself using QBank then watching the Schweser Videos to actively review their examples. What do you guys think?

