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How's Schweser for Equity?

I've heard mixed things about Schweser with certain topics. I'm using CFAI for the most part but with some topics I'll have to compromise and use schweser (while doing EOCs) due to obvious time constraint. Although FRA isn't as heavily weighted as Equity, I'm not messing with it.. I'm sticking with CFAI. SO... thoughts on schweser Equity study guide?

I would def use CFA for FRA, Ethics and Equities


I'm using Schweser for everything except Ethics. I already did FRA and found it to be very good. Haven't done equity yet, but I will def use Schweser for this one too. I don't time to read the CFA books...actually, I don't even have them yet.


I agree with all of you who are going with Schweser and feel its very friendly esp. towards working professionals like I.


For what it's worth, my friend used only Schweser for Level II and III and passed on his first atttempt. He never opend up any CFAI material.


@ hendriar14 :
Thanks for all the reassurance.. long live Schweser notes


Confirmation Bias !!


Level 2 is different from level 1 in many ways but the key difference is concentrated testing. You need to ensure you are not missing out on any topic by relying on any prep provider as a single topic may result in a 5% Item set in exam.


I will be taking L2 for the first time,
I plan to study everything off and do the questions in the schweser notes till April. Then use remaining 2 months of time to do all the EOC questions and will be able to pick up anything that schweser would have missed.

Again, I dunno if this is sufficient.


passme from talking to people that have passed the exam, the suggestions I got were to be doing the EOC questions as you go along. try to finish all the material with 1 month left where you can just focus on doing exams and problems in your trouble areas. waiting until the end, at least for me, would be passing up on really learning the material until the end. You will notice that the EOC questions are different than the Schweser questions since they test more for comprehension rather than doing actual problems (although CFAI also has you do many computations).

I have not seen Schweser miss any LOS, its just that CFAI can test the material in so many ways that Schweser cannot cover them all at great lengths. So if you do the CFAI material you will be able to learn the material how CFAI wants you to know it. At the end of the day you have to do a lot of problems over and over to retain and master this material.

Schweser Notes, practice exams, mock exams and CFAI EOC as well as CFAI examples and you will be okay.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at Thursday, January 13, 2011 at 05:30PM by starbuk.

