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Will it be the case that different topics are tested in the 2 separate exams?

In other words, should ethics come up in the first paper, does that mean it won't come up in the second paper? Obviuosly due to overlapping of certain areas (i.e. equity valuation models, quants) some topics will definitely be covered in both papers, but afte the first paper, will we be able to determine what will and won't come up in the second (in terms of topic areas)?

This may make the interval on exam day quite valuable.

Any thoughts?

If any topic isnt in the AM section, it is 100% sure to come in the PM

Given that max weights even for economics is 10%, the fact that you get an AM question doesnt mean you wont get a PM question on economics.

However, going by past years its highly unlikely there will be 2 questions on economics. Quants, PM, AI should be 1 question each, but its less likely than economics.


That's interesting, didn't think about it that. Can any re-takers confirm?


expect 2 from the following in both am and pm

expect 1 from the following in both am and pm
1. CF

expect 1 from the following either in am or pm


faraz70s Wrote:
> expect 2 from the following in both am and pm
> 1.FSA
> 2.Equity
> expect 1 from the following in both am and pm
> 1. CF
> 2.Ethics
> 3.Der
> 4.FI
> expect 1 from the following either in am or pm
> 1.Econ
> 2.AI
> 3.PM
> 4.Quant

Sounds right. Even though in some of the Schweser Vol 1 exams, they give you like 4 Ethics in one 3 hour session, the real exam is not like that. They try to spread it out evenly as much as possible.


上一主题:FSA: Reporting Quality
下一主题:NON operating pension items?