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How are you using Qbank

Hi guys/gals,

I have finished all of the EOC questions from the CFAI text and have been aggressively tackling the Qbank. Currently I am composing the Qbank questions from all three levels of difficulties. Should I trim it down a little to just Medium level to Hard level questions at this stage of the game?


let me flip this Q on you. i am finishin up Qbank in a day or so and will be starting to go through EOC Q. i figure i dont have the time for the non-multiple choice Q, so i was planning to just do the MC ones, and skim the long answer ones and the multiple choice ones that are very calculator intentsive. what was your method that you thought helped most and how long did it take you?

to answer your Q however, despite the way people have bashed Q bank i think its a great retention tool. if you are just starting now, i'd go to the readings that you are weak, read the LOS summaries and go straight to the quizzes. i find that just a paragraph or two on a LOS can refresh my memory of the whole reading and just a few simple concept checkers and help me remember the bigger concepts.


My 2 cents: only do medium to hard questions from the Qbank (about 1200 of them), focus on ethics, equity and FSA as you gain most in these topics doing the Qbank.


Also for those of you have been working on the Qbank ... did you do like every question in there?!

Thanks for the responses so far


The majority of y'all seem to be using the "create exam" feature. I'll sound off as someone doing otherwise.

I fire up Qbank and then click "browse questions". I then start with the beginning of a subsection I'm working on and work through every single question in that section.

For example, on my most recent mock, I got killed on Study Session 55, LOS 55 [mortgage backed securities]. So I'll start with LOS 55a, and then do all the questions there, advancing to the next section [55b] once I'm done.

The upside of this is that it's extremely thorough [I see perhaps 10-30 questions for each LOS section] and after doing 5-10 of even the most difficult problems, you'll start to "get" it. You also get a mix of easy, medium, and hard questions, which helps keep me from despairing when I'm relearning something difficult. The downside is it takes a long time - probably 1 or 2 hours to revise a section. However, I will say that this has undoubtedly helped me learn sections very well. Some of my weakest sections become at least average, maybe even above average scores, the next time I face them.


I feel like I wasted my money on the QBank this year. Haven't touched it in a couple months. I have been reviewing the CFAI EOC item sets multiple times instead of pounding those Level 1 type questions. Worst part, the item sets in QBank are unrealistic because they are very detailed and long. They need some medium difficulty item sets that match the CFAI in terms of question structure. Other than QBank, I think Schweser does a great job for Level 2. Hope that not using QBank doesn't come back and bite me, but the CFAI EOC and the Schweser Practice exams have been very helpfull.

